feel free to contact me at me@keehar.net
this is my new website; it will act as a repository for writing, visual, audio, and code projects. i was really inspired by msx.horse in the design & functionality of this site. this site was created from scratch with php.
some tips: the '>' in the sidebar can be clicked to open further items (this allows filters to be applied in the project feed), and clicked again to collapse. any project or photo album page can have its photos enlarged by clicking, pressing space or enter, and this modal can be navigated with arrow keys or 'a' and 'd' keys
the fool(personal contents) | |
/ home | the page you have been delivered to now m_m |
/ about | background, things i like, etc |
/ | Ⱥɻʘʬʓȣ; ȠȿLjLjƢ§]ƕƾ |
/ blog | hmmmmmm... |
the magician(projects, etc.) | |
> project feed | click '>' in the sidenav to open filters |
/ photos | photos of various times from various cameras |

i wanted to thank some more resources i used in creating this website, so ill take up some space here to do so. firstly again msx.horse a.k.a. halley labs for greatly inspring the layout of this website, blog design, and css. phplatestsong by psobot for the code to retrieve last.fm scrobbles that works even after 14 years. Robin Nixon's 'Learning PHP, MySQL, and Javascript' and Jon Duckett's 'HTML and CSS' for carrying me through the process of making this website. Also, Hack by Source Foundry for being an pleasant font to look at.
All noncredited assets on this website are by me.