tcp-like transfer over udp
The goal of this project was to provide TCP-like reliability over UDP transfer protocol.
This included creating 100% transfer reliability, packet headers/information, connection establishment handshakes, and more.
This helped me not only fully understand these transfer protocols, but also results in a faster transfer with the same reliability as TCP.
Created with python using no external libraries
If for some reason you would actually want to use this:
1. Open a terminal in the location you would like to receive the file, with the repository cloned.
2. Copy the file you would like to send into the cloned repository's project3/src/.
3. In the receiving terminal, run the following python3 ./ 5000 > RECEIVED_FILE
4. In the sending terminal, run the following cat FILENAME | python3 ./ HOSTNAME-OR-IP 5000
5. Compare the two with: diff FILENAME RECEIVED_FILE (to show 100% transmission)